
Choices a rock opera
Choices a rock opera

Empathic Healer: The Guide is said to have cleansed spirits of Dissonance, but it has the unfortunate side effect of corrupting his own soul.The Destroyer wants the cycle of destruction to continue, but believes a perfect being such as the Keeper should not exist and that starting anew is more reasonable than leaving an imperfect world to suffer. The Creator believes his world is worth saving from the cycle even if it might be a Crapsack World, but his perfectionist tendencies might have blinded him toward the misery. Stoicism: One of the ways the final duet between the Creator and the Destroyer can be read. Eaten Alive: If you choose the Moon Sister as the Guardian, she commands her anglerfish to eat her brother.Drop the Hammer: The staves of the Creator and the Destroyer end in giant crystals that cause them to resemble sledgehammers.The Dragon: The Moon Sister’s right hand is a gigantic Alluring Anglerfish.Double Jump: You have it from the beginning.Also when the game presents the Keeper with a choice during a duet. Deliberately Monochrome: Resonating with the environment will turn the world grayscale for a moment, which makes it easier to pick out Karma/Dissonance objects and underwater platforms.Deflector Shields: In World 2, some of the Shamans will erect these around the Keeper and themselves during escort missions due to enemies employing the One-Hit Kill tactic.Dark Action Girl: The Banshee, the Moon Sister and the Destroyer to some degree.Cute Mute: The Keeper is actually pretty cute for a weird floating robot thingy.were it not for the fact that she looks like a tree that's been rotted through, with her face resembling a mask that lets you see through to the back of her head, and seeks to destroy all life to restore the balance. The Destroyer, meanwhile, has a more organic and appealing figure. were it not for the dark pits that make his eyes, and the giant crack in his material that grants him a jaw. The Creator may be the genesis of all life who wants to save the worlds, but he looks like a broken porcelain doll, who would have a featureless face. Creepy Good: The Creator and The Destroyer can both fit this, based on who you believe is right.

choices a rock opera

The Creator: I only wish to have more time, to behold the beauty of what is mine, of what I create

Choices a rock opera